Mansfield General Hospital - Ward 6

Urbex: Mansfield General Hospital, Mansfield – March 2013 (revisit 2)

I’d not long since done Mansfield but a friend was visiting from Spain filming for an upcoming documentary about Urban Exploration and had this place on his to do list so another opportunity to mooch around and snap a few more shots. Visited with Urbex Leone, Lowri, Stussy and Scattergun…

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National Gas Turbine Establishment Pyestock Cell 1

Urbex: National Gas Turbine Establishment aka NGTE Pyestock, Fleet – March 2013 (revisit)

Revisit time at Pyestock all the history I could muster up can be found in my first post from January 2013 along with the photos from that trip. Briefly NGTE Pyestock was a Gas Turbine testing centre for all sorts of large engines. The air house housed 8 x 36,000 bhp engines which helped pump air around the site for testing the engines themselves. The site was mainly used for commercial testing however it was utilised by the military for the testing of jet fighter engines and Navy ship engines…

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Clipstone Colliery - Spiral Staircase

Urbex: Clipstone Colliery, Nottinghamshire – February 2013

The Wiki History Clipstone Colliery is a coal mine situated near the village of the same name on the edge of an area of Nottinghamshire known as “The Dukeries” because of the number of stately homes in the area. The colliery was owned by the Bolsover Colliery Company and passed to the National Coal Board…

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Mansfield General Hospital - Daybreak in the Morgue

Urbex: Mansfield General, Mansfield – February 2013 (revisit)

This one was a revisit and there isn’t a lot to add history or update wise so for that sort of stuff check out the post from my first visit in October 2012 here. Briefly Mansfield General Hospital was originally built in 1889 and was finally demolished over a 6 month period in 20013/20014 after being left abandoned for over 20 years…

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Allinson Mill aka Castleford Stone ground Flour

Urbex: Allinson Mill aka Castleford Stoneground Flour – West Yorkshire – February 2013

A little wiki history Dr Thomas Allinson was born in the Hulme district of Manchester in 1858. He trained as a medical doctor in Edinburgh, graduating in 1879. He founded the first Allinson mill in 1892 in Bethnal Green as Dr Allinson’s Natural Food Company. It was the first to produce wholemeal/wholegrain flour. His slogan was Health without Medicine. Allinson was viewed as an eccentric because of…

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CMH aka The Cambridge Military Hospital - Operating Theatre Doors

Urbex: CMH aka The Cambridge Military Hospital, United Kingdom – February 2013

History The Cambridge Military Hospital, built by Messrs Martin Wells and Co. of Aldershot, was located at Stanhope Lines. It was named after Prince George, Duke of Cambridge and opened on 18 July 1879. In the First World War, the Cambridge Hospital was the first base hospital to receive casualties directly from the Western Front.…

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The Church on a Hill

Urbex: The Church on a Hill, Lancashire – February 2013 (revisit)

A revisit to the church not long after our initial visit photos from  that can be found here. Accompanied again by Pete, Sam the Mule and Dystopia. This church is really well preserved and provides some great photo opportunities. The lighting wasn’t quite as good as the first visit but it was good to come back with…

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Rossendale General Hospital

Urbex: Rossendale General Hospital, Rossendale, Lancashire – February 2013 (revisit)

First visit, History, a short video and more photos can be found in my blog post for the initial Rossendale January 2013 visit report. Visited with Pete and Sam the Mule for the second time, this time we brought Dystopia along while we had another look at the new part which we rushed last time.…

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Church on a Hill - The Good Book

Urbex: The Church on a Hill, Lancashire – January 2013

My first explore in a church, and what a might fine one it was! No info on this places just yet as its a little off the radar, I don’t doubt some of you will recognise the place but please refrain from naming it. Thanks to Pete for taking us not once but twice (revisit report can…

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Whittingham Asylum - Bay Window

Urbex: Whittingham Asylum, Goosnargh, Lancashire – January 2013 (Revisit #2)

This visit I was accompanied by Sonyes, Pete and Sam The Mule who were all Whittingham virgins so I’m glad they got to see most of the place :). I finally ventured down to the east most wing for the first time which was cool and I was on a mad hunt to capture plenty of bay window shots…

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Dyson Industries Limited Sheffield

Urbex: Dyson Industries Limited, Sheffield, South Yorkshire – January 2013

  Our visit Visited with alot of friends from far too many to mention individually (sorry guys). We had a little mooch around this place before heading back to Leeds for some prearrange drinks 🙂 Bit of a derp but a good day out in the snow 🙂 History Founded by John Dyson who began mining clay…

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West ParkAsylum Asylum Morgue, Mortuary and Histopathology Department - Brain Blocks

Urbex: West Park Lunatic Asylum, Epsom, Surrey – January 2013 (Revisit)

For a bit of History and more photos from my first visit to West Park in 2010 check out this post! Regretfully I never saw enough of West Park while it was still around. Most of the site has now been renovated into new housing and the few remaining buildings are mainly stripped. This little gem however…

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Morgue P

Urbex: Morgue P, Down South – January 2013

I’m not doing much history on this place. Its a morgue part of a still live hospital complex which closed this section and moved it to a more central part of the hospital. By far the largest morgue I’ve been to yet with room to accommodate 56 bodies (according to the mule who went counting).  A tiny little spot but…

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National Gas Turbine Establishment aka NGTE Pyestock - Sahara Doors in Cell 3

Urbex: National Gas Turbine Establishment aka NGTE Pyestock, Fleet – January 2013

The National Gas Turbine Establishment at Pyestock Fleet was built in 1949 beginning with some small test cubicals inside buildings like the plant house and has since been added to over the years resulting in the huge site that stands there today. For over 50 years Pyestock was at the forefront of gas turbine development but now the site lays empty and derelict…

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Rossendale General Hospital - Operating Theatre

Urbex: Rossendale General Hospital, Lancashire – January 2013

Rossendale hospital started out as a work house for the poor named Haslingden Work House. I’m not certain when exactly it was built, however, there is an old photograph supposedly from 1905 and an illustration of the building dated around 1898 in which the building looks remarkably familiar to how it does today…

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T.G. Greens Pottery

Urbex: T.G. Greens Pottery, Swadlincote – January 2013

History Cornish Kitchen Ware was first produced in 1926 by T.G.Green & Co in Church Gresley, Derbyshire, a county famed for its pottery. The range’s special characteristic came from the lathe-turning process, which cut clean bands through its beautiful blue slip to show the white clay beneath. It was apparently this that inspired the name,…

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Sandwell College - Biology Laboratory;

Urbex: Sandwell College, Birmingham – January 2013

History Chance Campus, Sandwell College, is the only College of Further Education in Sandwell Metropolitan Borough, a municipal area of the West Midlands in England. It includes a separate sixth form (Central Sixth) teaching A Levels and facilities for teaching a wide variety of skills-based courses to school leavers and adults. This is the old…

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St Edwards Home for Boys

Urbex: St Edwards Home for Boys, United Kingdom – January 2013

St Edwards was close by to another explore we had that day so we thought we’d have a mooch around since we were already in the area! Originally established in 1904 as a home for orphaned boys, it also served as a school providing dormitory accommodation as well as the regular school rooms a chapel…

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St Gerards TB Orthopaedics Hospital – Wheelchair

Urbex: St Gerards TB Orthopaedics Hospital, Birmingham, United Kingdom – January 2013

Not a lot of info on this place… St Gerard’s Opened as a TB hospital specialising in orthopaedics as part of the Father Hudson Society Buildings catering to the boys located at the home next door. The Hospital closed in 1998, however, lots of cool stuff were left behind including a lovely fabric wheelchair and a collection of old leg braces.

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