Chance Campus, Sandwell College, is the only College of Further Education in Sandwell Metropolitan Borough, a municipal area of the West Midlands in England.
It includes a separate sixth form (Central Sixth) teaching A Levels and facilities for teaching a wide variety of skills-based courses to school leavers and adults.
This is the old Campus, in 2012 the college relocated as part of a regeneration scheme into an impressive new building leaving this one behind to rot.
The site was used for a short period for police dog training most likely chosen due to its immediate proximity to the police station which sits directly over the road!
Our Visit
3rd Visit of the day tagging along with the awesome people we met at the first explore. We found ourselves at this place, deserted and well stripped in most parts but some nice features to photography. We had a quick mooch about covered most of the place then had to dash off for the long journey home. Fave bit was the lecture hall and the labs.
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My last set of pics during demolition at the end of last year: http://www.kdharrison.co.uk/gallery_595499.html
Thanks for sharing the photos Ken I suspect most of the contents will be removed now… well what little remained. Do you know if the admin building with the done will be salvaged?
Thanks PM
They demolished two of the buildings but ain’t knocking down the main old building where entrance used to be, spoke to my tutor the other day and he said theyihht convert that build into flats
Cheers for the update 🙂
me again…. lol this is close to my neck of the woods, which is good, but with the police station across the road, surely must make it difficult to explore without getting caught? Is there someone you can speak to, to grant permission, so not to be in trouble as such?!
Hi Matt, sorry for the delayed response, I had missed a couple of comments which people had posted! Access wasn’t the hardest I’ve ever come across but it was over a year ago that I visited now, not sure what the situation is like these days!
Great pictures mate! Freshen up loads memories:-)
Got any picture of common room? Would be great if you could put that on and can you kindly tell me way to enter there?
Hi Amarjot, Sorry i only have the photos that I have posted… it was a bit of a flying visit for me so I didn’t cover all of the bits I wanted to. Access changes all the times and I haven’t been back since January so I’d suggest just having a mooch around if you are interested in seeing the place. You probably know it better than I do :).
Thanks for your comment PM.
Hi, this is actually “Chance Campus” after the local glass manufacturer and the main reception is grade 2 listed. I was a student, a lecturer and a project manager here…and have been all over this place.Ive been wanting to get in here for a while to shoot, I’m interested how access was obtained as I’d be keen to visit. I have featured this campus in my new book “A Picture of Smethwick” which was exhibited at Smethwick Heritage Centre last year… perhaps youd DM me for an offline chat
Thanks for the correction, I’ve emailed you.