Middleton Mine - Firework Display

Urbex: Hopton Wood Stone Quarry aka Middleton Mine, Derbyshire – July 2013

History Middleton mine spans a site approximately 168ha of land and is made up of 26 miles of tunnels across 3 levels. From the 18th Century until the end of World War 2, Middleton Quarry produced high quality limestone capable of taking surface polish, for use in monuments and other ornamental products. After declining demand…

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IDA Cookridge Hospital

Urbex: IDA Cookridge Hospital, Leeds, West Yorkshire – June 2013

History Borrowed: In 1886 John North gifted £6,000 to open a convalescent home in memory of his daughter Ida. Chorley and Connon were the Architects, opened 10th May 1888. Robert Arthington financed a second hospital on adjacent site which opened May 1905, and took his name but was mostly referred to as ‘Cookridge’. Ida hospital is the two…

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St Joesephs Seminary - Corridors

Urbex: St Josephs Seminary Upholland, Lancashire, United Kingdom – June 2013 Part 2 of 2

Part 2 of the Urbex trip around the abandoned St Joseph’s Seminary in Upholland Lancashire. Full history and details of the visit can be found in Part 1 of the report here. Briefly St Joseph’s College, Upholland is a former Roman Catholic seminary, situated at Walthew Park, Upholland, Lancashire, England. The foundations of the large building…

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St Joesephs Seminary - Spiral Staircase

Urbex: St Josephs Seminary Upholland, Lancashire, United Kingdom – June 2013 Part 1 of 2

History St Joseph’s College, Upholland is a former Roman Catholic seminary, situated at Walthew Park, Upholland, Lancashire, England. The foundations of the large building were laid in April 1880 and college was opened in 1883. The buildings have recently been deconsecrated following the announced closure of the College which saw the last students leave in…

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OM Asylum Cell

Urbex: OM Asylum, United Kingdom – June 2013 Part 1 of 2

I’m not going to do a full history on this one just yet, Demolition is well under way with parts of the site completely demolished already. Briefly this old Abandoned Asylum somewhere in the UK was established in the very early 1800’s and closed in the early twentieth century. The Asylum catered for both private…

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Serenity Hospital - Staircase

Urbex: The Royal Hospital Haslar aka Serenity Hospital, Gosport – June 2013 (revisit) Part 3 of 3

The third and final instalment of the Serenity revisit report, This part features the more modern staircase, yet another CT scanner, all the group shots and the one and only wheelchair that I came across during my visit to this huge site. Links at the bottom to the previous reports which have loads more photos…

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Serenity Hospital - Main Entrance Hall

Urbex: The Royal Hospital Haslar aka Serenity Hospital, Gosport – June 2013 (revisit) Part 2 of 3

Part 2 of the revisit to Serenity Hospital. This monster of an abandoned hospital has so much to offer from a photographic perspective. Its sad to see so much medical equipment just being left to rot especially some of the larger X-ray  machines and MRI scanners. This Part of the report features the Main entrance…

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Serenity Hospital Rooftops

Urbex: The Royal Hospital Haslar aka Serenity Hospital, Gosport – June 2013 (revisit) Part 1 of 3

Welcome to Part 1 of 3 post for this epic revisit to Serenity Hospital! Visited this time With Mars Lander, Ssssshhh, Luckpants and Perjury Saint. Whilst I really enjoyed the first trip here, seeing it all again for a second time but this time feeling a little bit more familiar with the layout I was…

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Gray & Dunn & Co Buscuit Factory Glasgow

Urbex: Gray Dunn & Co, aka Custard Cream Factory, Glasgow, Scotland – June 2013

History Gray, Dunn & Co the bakers and biscuit manufacturers were founded in 1853 and received a Royal Warrant from Queen Victoria. There is little information about Gray, Dunn & Co in the twentieth century. The firm’s factory was built in Stanley Street in Kinning Park in 1862 but destroyed by fire thirteen years later and…

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Pigeon Church

Urbex: Pigeon Church, Scotland – June 2013

Externally the building looks more like a town hall or courtroom building rather than a church and the bell towers appears to have been a later addition perhaps the building may have had a previous function in its history. Unsure how long this one had been abandoned but its certainly becoming worse for wear!

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The Unseen Asylum - Children's Ward

Urbex: The Unseen Asylum, Scotland – June 2013

The Unseen Asylum, An abandoned Asylum in Scotland was part 2 of our S.O’C.C. tour of Scotland with our tour guides Baron Scotland, Stussy and Sickbag Scattergun. In addition to our seasoned Scottish tour guides we had Beardy, Dystopia, Sonyes and Mr Costello in tow. Huge thanks to Stussy again for the access assistance and location suggestion…

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RCH Asylum - The Chair

Urbex: RCH Asylum, Scotland, United Kingdom – June 2013

A weekend away for the Silly O’clock Crew we decided to venture up to Scotland to meet up with our good friends and Scotland’s finest explorers Baron Scotland, Stussy and Sickbag Scattergun. Destination number 1 was the infamous RCH Asylum. Crack of dawn was our choice time for approach and after an epic marathon drive…

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Wallpaper Factory - The Stairs

Urbex: Abandoned Wallpaper Warehouse and Store, Somewhere, United Kingdom – June 2013

This one has to win the prize for most interesting spot of the day. A rather unsual place, seemed in parts still used and in others completely derelict. Some really cool features, access to the roof tops both on a top and a cross section.  The lights were on in parts and there appeared to…

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Aircraft Graveyard - Percival Sea Prince

Urbex: Aircraft Graveyard, United Kingdom – June 2013 (revisit)

Not much of a revisit as sadly the other planes and helicopter were… lets just say… off limits this trip. We did however have some fun climbing all over the other plane what I believe to be a Percival Sea Prince (please correct me in the comments if I’m mistaken). Visited with altdayout, pete and…

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