Selly Oak Hospital Morgue

Urbex: Selly Oak Hospital Morgue – November 2014

The first building on the site of Selly Oak Hospital was the old King’s Norton Union Workhouse which was built in around 1872 to consolidate existing services for 5 separate parishes. Originally the Hospital was built to accommodate 200 pauper inmates. In 1897 a separate infirmary opened at the site at a cost of £52,000 and was designed by Mr. Daniel Arkell. This infirmary was made to accommodate a further 250 patients and had basic facilities to cater for maternity care but there were no operating theatres or a mortuary at this point…

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Broadoaks Manor

Urbex: Broadoaks Manor, Surrey – November 2014

The abandoned Broadoaks Manor was built in 1876 by Ernest Seth-Smith for his elder brother Charles. In 1898 the house was then sold to elderly rich industrialist and between 1911-1946 the house was owned by the brewery owners the Charrington family. The Ministry of Defence have confirmed that the property was originally acquired by the Ministry of Supply in 1946 and later used by the Army Operational Research Group (1948-1996). After closure in 1996 the site was sold by them in 1998 and since then has stood abandoned…

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Battersea Park Rooftop Fireworks Display

Urbex: London Rooftops, Battersea Park, November 2014 Bonfire Night!

Bonfire Night! We had plans to get up high somewhere overlooking Battersea Park where we knew there was due to be a decent fireworks displace. Sadly our original planned spot was a complete fail, with access being sealed and lots of activity on the site we had to change our plans. sheer chance and a random unplanned backup and we found ourselves several stories up overlooking both Battersea Powerstation and the park where the display was due to take place…

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Hospital Plaza - The Large Chapel

Urbex: Hospital Plaza, France – October 2014

Hospital Plaza is a rather large complex which features seemingly endless corridors full of bedrooms or wards, a large theatre room and a stunning chapel which remains in near perfect condition. The chapel is quite a prominent feature of this building leading me to believe that it may have once been a seminary…

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Château Japonais aka Château des Chasseurs

Urbex: Château Japonais aka Château des Chasseurs, France – October 2014

A huge Château located in a large grounds, Château Japonais aka Château des Chasseurs is quite isolated from the nearby homes. This gorgeous castle has been somewhere I have wanted to photograph since I saw pictures online. Clearly the building had fallen into disrepair but observations during our trip suggest that the building is undergoing some renovation works and will one day hopefully be restored to its former glory…

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Château Sous Les Nuages

Urbex: Château Sous Les Nuages aka The Castle in the Clouds, France – October 2014

Not much information about this gorgeous Château… Internally the building had some clear signs of modernization in comparison to the much older external architecture. Château Sous Les Nuages or the Castle in the Clouds appears to have been left empty with much of the belongings left behind. There are some hint to attempts to renovate…

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Burnley Empire Theatre

Urbex: The Empire ‘Strikes Back’ Theatre, Burnley, Lancashire, United Kingdom – September 2014

Originally called the Empire Theatre of Varieties, this theatre opened in Burnley in 1894 with capacity to seat 1935 people. Funded by the Directors of the Victoria Opera House Limited. In 1995 the building became abandoned and has rapidly deteriorated both internally and externally…

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The Royal Hospital Haslar aka Serenity Hospital

Urbex: The Royal Hospital Haslar aka Serenity Hospital, Gosport – September 2014 (revisit 3)

The Royal Hospital Haslar was founded in 1753 and was designed and built by Theodore Jacobsen between 1946-1961. When it was constructed it was both the largest hospital and brick built building in England. Britain’s first Naval Hospital which span a huge area on the coastline of Gosport is also the site of a massive unmarked grave site with an estimated 7,785 buried sailors…

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London Rooftops - Battersea Powestation at night

Urbex: London Rooftops, Battersea Power Station at night, United Kingdom – September 2014

We moved across the city to get a different vantage point, this time our view was of the development works taking place at Battersea Power Station. It’s been a while since I visited Battersea and the first time we had planned only to get external photographs…

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London Rooftops - The Palace of Westminster

Urbex: London Rooftops, The Palace of Westminster & The London Eye at night, United Kingdom – September 2014

For quite some time now I have wanted to take a trip to London and climb some tall buildings for some night shots… I finally got my wish and man was it a bloody good night! 2 amazing views of stunning iconic Locations across the city, great weather conditions with only a slight shower while we were at the first spot… Location number 1 provided some great views of the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben and the London Eye with a few other choice buildings behind us…

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Spillers Millennium Mill

Urbex: Spillers Millennium Mills, London, United Kingdom – September 2014

Designed and built by Mills William Vernon & Sons of West Float, Birkenhead in 1905 the now abandoned Millennium Mills was a flour mill equipped by Henry Simon Ltd that was capable of producing 100 sacks of flour per hour. The Royal Docks and Millennium Mills closed in 1981…

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The Wizards Theatre - Old Film Projectors

Urbex: The Wizards Theatre, United Kingdom – August 2014

This old dusty abandoned theatre was a little bit of a mess inside, the floors were starting to feel a bit soft and with this being an unplanned visit I was without my LED lights. The saving grace was that the projection room was complete with the old film projectors and splicing table along with a few old film reels rusting away…

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The not so white morgue aka The Maids Morgue

Urbex: The not so white morgue aka The Maids Morgue – August 2014 (revisits 1 & 2)

Two more trips to this abandoned morgue with its impressive porcelain slab. I went back for 2 more trips with Andy de Kay of Behind Closed Doors, Matt, Danny, Old Skool, and Baron Scotland. If you’ve seen the first report you have probably noticed the overkill of shots… well considering the small size of this building its shocking that I found more to post…

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