The abandoned Sheffield Crown Courts. Another revisit explore of this awesome abandoned court complex complete with cells unusual layout of floors containing various courtrooms and judges chambers as well as press rooms and various service tunnels. For the photos from our first visit back in November and more information on this history please check out my original report here. Briefly the building was built to function as a Town Hall for Sheffield back in 1807 and was later adopted as the Crown Court. The clock tower as well as a significant extension which included a tunnel leading to the police headquarters was built at a later stage and the tunnel has since been sealed up. I have heard rumours recently that the court is currently owned by an American businessman who won the building in a bet (that must have been one hell of a game of high stakes poker) and has since been leased out for use as a set in various TV programs and films.
Our Visit
Visited with my now good friend Val of Vals Darkroom, Sherah and Nigel and bumped into Bob and Eelco who just happened to be visiting at the same time. I’ve been to this place a few times before but its rare that I would turn down a return trip here so when my friend Val asked if I’d meet up with her for a wonder around the courts I jumped at the chance! I had another go at lighting Courtroom 1 which is pretty much pitch black and took a few more photographs of the main Courtroom 2 enjoy the pictures:
Don’t forget to check out my previous visits from these abandoned courts:
Sheffield Crown Court, South Yorkshire – November 2012
Sheffield Crown Court, South Yorkshire – March 2013 (revisit)
Sheffield Crown Court, South Yorkshire – July 2013 (revisit 2)
Sheffield Crown Court, South Yorkshire – May 2014 (revisit 3)
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