For quite some time now I have wanted to take a trip to London and climb some tall buildings for some night shots… I finally got my wish and man was it a bloody good night! 2 amazing views of stunning iconic Locations across the city, great weather conditions with only a slight shower while we were at the first spot…
Location number 1 provided some great views of the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben and the London Eye with a few other choice buildings behind us. I’m not going into detail about the location these photos were taken from or how we accessed the rooftop but the whole experience was pretty damn exciting! I’m so used to shooting in natural lighting conditions I always feel a little out of my depth when attempting long exposure night photography but I am really pleased with how these shots came out.
Enjoyed this report? well there is more to come from this awesome night so stay tuned but until then check out the report over at Behind Closed Doors: Overview of London City Rooftops
If you’ve made it this far… thanks for reading / checking out the pictures. Leave me a comment below or hit the like button to let me know you’ve enjoyed the shots and to encourage me to keep posting more 🙂
Limited Edition and Canvas prints as well as regular prints are available for all of the images above just ask me about prices.
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