Not much of a revisit as sadly the other planes and helicopter were… lets just say… off limits this trip. We did however have some fun climbing all over the other plane what I believe to be a Percival Sea Prince (please correct me in the comments if I’m mistaken). Visited with altdayout, pete and sssshhhh, I do have a group shot but i stupidly ruined it managing to cover all 3 of their faces :). Oh well better luck next time I know they have some sick shots… Dont forget to check out the first visit report from the aircraft graveyard with photos of the rest of the fleet here. On with the photos (mainly just me messing about doing self portraits haha!)
A short video from the last explore here:
If you’ve made it this far… thanks for reading / checking out the pictures. Leave me a comment below or hit the like button to let me know you’ve enjoyed the shots and to encourage me to keep posting more 🙂
Canvas prints and regular prints are available for all of the images above just ask me about prices.