After a quick refuel and Burger King, we decided to split up the rather large group that we had amassed on this Scottish adventure and while 4 of our crew went off to check out the next spot, the remaining 5 of us had a little mooch about this little abandoned house. Named the Teddy Bear Cottage, I believe because of something in some letters or a diary perhaps… I cant quite recall but I like to keep naming consistent :). This place was in such a random location and was much bigger than it appeared at first glance. Complete with a decaying Piano, some cool bottles, funky baths a little granny flat out the back, huge barns and a typical Scottish toilet :). Very enjoyable explore. Cheers to Stussy for giving us the tour and Baron Scotland, Dystopia and Beardy for joining us.
In terms of photos not my best work but the place was dark and I was beginning to feel the tiredness set in after the long drive and lack of sleep! Light painting went out the window and bounce flash was the weapon of choice…
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Canvas prints and regular prints are available for all of the images above just ask me about prices.