Built in 1855 / 1866 by English architect Milner under commission from the Liedekerke-Beaufort family this neo-Gothic castle known initially as Château Miranda but is now known as Château de Noisy. The castle began life as a summer home for the Liedekerke-Beaufort family. in the second world war it was claimed by German troop at the battle of the Bulge. After the war the Belgian National Railway Company rented the building to use as a school and holiday home for the children of the Belgian railway employees until the late 1970’s. In 1975 the Castle served as a set for a television show and there the history gets a little hazy. Apparently, there was once a notice stating that the Château closed its doors in 1991 due to the heavy financial burden of the upkeep. The owner of the property continued to attempt to find a buyer for the Castle with hopes that it could be renovated and converted into a hotel.
In 1995 there was a significant fire at the Castle which according to local news reports was the result of youths attempting to have a party in there. The Count and owner of the property then decided to dismantle a lot of the remaining fixtures and fittings including marble and parquet flooring which made their way into the neighbouring farm house and another castle in Italy.
in 2006 a severe storm caused the collapse of the roof of the stable building and recent years have seen notable additions of vandalism and graffiti.
A few old photographs can be found here where I also obtained some information after a rough translation 🙂
January 2014 Update: I have recently heard that the land owners have submitted plans to demolish this building. A petition signed by more than 7000 people was submitted to the owners, however it is unclear whether this will have any impactonn the future of this amazing castle.
Further update: It looks like we aren’t the only ones to have been shot at here… read this article.
Our Visit
Visited with Ryan, Christophe and some other cool Belgian dude. Reccy the day before at dusk and we saw headlights coming from the castle, ducked to the floor as a 4×4 passed then headed back to the car before revisiting the following day to bag some shots. After a nice hike we arrived at the castle got a few externals and headed inside. We split up and I covered the basements first. Evidence of the most recent use of the building as a school was evident, several classrooms and lots of bathrooms were indications of the buildings more recent conversions from a private dwelling to public use. Upstairs the place is getting pretty wrecked inside. One wing has been badly damaged by fire and the other is suffering from the elements with floors and ceilings collapsed in a lot of areas. There are still some amazing features both inside an out and I’ve had this place on my to-do list for as long as I can remember so really enjoyed capturing it for myself.
While exiting we were ambushed by the land owner / grounds keeper packing a double-barrelled shotgun. After lots of shouting in French and a warning shot from the shotgun we were beckoned down the hill before a second shot was fired over our heads. It was at this point we realised he wasn’t shooting blanks as branches started to fall around us. Great end to a fantastic explore. Hope you like the shots
- Castle Miranda aka Château Noisy – Entrance Hall
- Castle Miranda aka Château Noisy – Entrance Hall
- Castle Miranda aka Château Noisy – Split right down the middle
- Castle Miranda aka Château Noisy – Entrance Hall
- Castle Miranda aka Château Noisy – Kitchens
- Castle Miranda aka Château Noisy
- Castle Miranda aka Château Noisy – Kitchens
- Castle Miranda aka Château Noisy – Kitchens
- Castle Miranda aka Château Noisy – Kitchens
- Castle Miranda aka Château Noisy – Kitchens
- Castle Miranda aka Château Noisy – Kitchens
- Castle Miranda aka Château Noisy – Basement Classroom
- Castle Miranda aka Château Noisy – Windows
- Castle Miranda aka Château Noisy – Basement Classroom
- Castle Miranda aka Château Noisy – Bloody Bathroom
- Castle Miranda aka Château Noisy – Cloakroom
- Castle Miranda aka Château Noisy – Cloakroom
- Castle Miranda aka Château Noisy – Basement Classroom
- Castle Miranda aka Château Noisy – Boiler Room
- Castle Miranda aka Château Noisy – Corridor
- Castle Miranda aka Château Noisy – Windows
- Castle Miranda aka Château Noisy – Windows
- Castle Miranda aka Château Noisy – Basement Classroom
- Castle Miranda aka Château Noisy
- Castle Miranda aka Château Noisy – Reflections of Beauty
- Castle Miranda aka Château Noisy
- Castle Miranda aka Château Noisy
- Castle Miranda aka Château Noisy
- Castle Miranda aka Château Noisy
**Part 2 Can be found here.**
Also I revisited this castle in May 2014 check out the revisit report here: Castle Miranda aka Château Noisy May 2014
Also my video from my 2014 trip:
If you’ve made it this far… thanks for reading / checking out the pictures. Leave me a comment below or hit the like button to let me know you’ve enjoyed the shots and to encourage me to keep posting more 🙂
Limited Edition prints and Canvases, as well as regular prints, are available for all of the images above on request and visit the store for more prints and products.
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This place is amazing and your pictures are even more amazing!! I think u made a beautiful job by taking those pics, i also feel something when i watched them, may be the place and may be the way you show the place. i wish i live near there, i really want to be inside of the castle, i think that buildings have a personal story, and this obviusly have a big one. i have no more words!
Great Job!!!
Regards from Monterrey México!
Sincerily. GIPV
Hi Isabel 🙂
It really is a beautiful castle! worth getting shot at to take the photos 😀
Thanks for your comment PM
Beautiful images, can you email me now to get there please?
Many Thanks
Please sign the petition to help save this beautiful piece of Belgian Heritage. This castle can’t be lost!!!!
I was there today. Amazing place even if in derelict state. Enjoy my material here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ioannasakellaraki/sets/72157635440783558/
Hi Ioanna, I’m glad you got to see the place! its such a beautiful building. Looks liked you got to see alot of the place from your photos! great shots btw, thanks for sharing them.
Sad it wasn’t kept up.
I fully agree this place looks so beautiful! It declined so quickly as well! stripped bare inside before a couple of fire were started I think by youths.
Is it possible to get permission to enter the property? I’m not keen on shotguns. It would also be cool to hear someone from the family talk about the rooms.
Hi Daniel,
Unfortunately I dont believe it is possible to visit the castle on a permission basis but feel free to contact the owners (if you can track them down) and see what they say. I agree it would be interesting to hear the family speak about the place! They should do tours! 🙂