Urbex: Severalls Lunatic Asylum, Colchester – March 2014 (revisit 3) Part 2 of 3
Part 2 of this 3 part report on the abandoned Severalls Hospital / Lunatic Asylum in Colchester.
Part 2 of this 3 part report on the abandoned Severalls Hospital / Lunatic Asylum in Colchester.
Briefly Severalls Lunatic Asylum aka The Second Essex County Asylum aka Severalls Hospital was built in 1910 and opened in 1913. At its peak the Asylum could house 2000 patients making it one of the largest in the country. Based upon the Echelon Asylum Plan Severalls has become well known for its spiralling Corridors which connect various buildings and the vast amount of bay windows within the wards.
Part 2 of yet another trip the The abandoned Seminary in Upholland. We were blessed with some excellent light, here are another batch of shots taken from the visit including the dormitories, ground floor corridors and the study hall. Enjoy!
Briefly, the abandoned St Joseph’s College, Upholland is a former Roman Catholic seminary, situated at Walthew Park, Upholland, Lancashire, England. The foundation of the large building were laid in April 1880 and college was opened in 1883. The last students left Upholland in 1992 and the building has been empty since 1999.
Briefly the abandoned Ushaw College, a former Catholic seminary was founded in 1808 by scholars from English College, Douai, who had fled France after that college had been closed during the French Revolution. Ushaw College had been affiliated with the University of Durham since 1968 and finally closed in 2011 due to the shortage of vocations.
One of the Asylums which I unfortunately missed when it was in its prime. the derelict St Mary’s Hospital aka Gateshead Borough Asylum is now stripped bare and is an active building site. Very little remains of what was once left behind at this place.
The abandoned Denbigh Asylum aka The North Wales Hospital was completed and opened in 1848 to accommodate the Welsh paupers who were reportedly receiving poor treatment in comparably English Lunatic Asylums. Electro-Convulsive Treatment (ECT) and Pre-frontal leucotomy operations aka Lobotomy operations were performed here.
The abandoned Cherry Tree Hospital appears to date back as far as the 1880’s and throughout its lifespan was known as The Stockport Infectious Diseases Hospital, Dialstone Lane Hospital, Whitehill Sanatorium as well as its last name of Cherry Tree Hospital.
Globe Mill is an old abandoned textile mill located in a small village near Huddersfield. The old stone building is very well built and surprisingly suffering little decay. There are plans which are undergoing review for a complete refurbishment of the site introducing accommodation, doctors, shops and a planned supermarket.
Part 2 of this visit to the abandoned Ark Synagogue in Liverpool. Plenty to see at this place and lots of nice light so I ended up with more photos than expected. I hope you enjoy the rest of the report 🙂