Beelitz-Heilstätten aka Beelitz Hospital Bath House

Urbex: Beelitz-Heilstätten aka Beelitz Hospital, Badehaus, The Bath House, Germany – July 2014

At the south eastern part of the Beelitz site you can find one of the most interesting and visually appealing of the Hospital buildings, Zentral Badehaus the Central Bath House. Whilst one of the iconic features of this building is the stunning huge domed room with the sunken T shaped bath, this unaltered example of the original architecture is just one of the many rooms which contain amazing detail retained from the initial build…

Beelitz-Heilstätten aka Beelitz Hospital

Urbex: Beelitz-Heilstätten aka Beelitz Hospital, Part 1: Women’s Sanatoriums, Germany – July 2014

The now abandoned Beelitz-Heilstätten, an extremely large hospital complex was built by the German government between 1898-1930 for the treatment of German workers. After World War II the area was occupied by the Red Army. The sanatorium then became the largest military hospital of the Soviet / Russian army located abroad functioning until 1994 when it finally closed…

The Cavern of the Lost Souls aka Car Graveyard Mine

Urbex: The Cavern of the Lost Souls aka The Car Graveyard Mine, Wales, United Kingdom – July 2014

No information on this one for the moment, I may populate this report later with text but for now its a big hole in the ground, aka a Mine in wales that has a pretty awesome feature to it…a huge cascade of abandoned vehicles flooding in from a hole at the top into a lake, now presumably full of all sorts of skin rotting chemicals :).