Haslar Hospital Pocock Brothers Padded Cell

Urbex: The Pocock Brothers Padded Cell, The Royal Hospital Haslar, Gosport – June 2015

Padded cells were common place in many of the UK Insane Asylums and were considered essential in the control and treatment of some of the more extreme Asylum inmates. The primary function of the padded cells were to accommodate patients for short periods of time to prevent them from harming themselves when suffering epileptic and psychotic episodes but they were also used to monitor patients who had suicidal tendencies…

The Little Miracles

Urbex: The Little Miracles, Belgium – May 2015

The so called “Little Miracles” are a collection of deceased babies stored presumably in formaldehyde, they were supposedly donated for medical research and further examination. Whilst the majority appeared to be normal in appearance there were a handful which featured deformities and most were scared with incision marks where they had received autopsies…

Villa Sbertolli - Main Hall

Urbex: Villa Sbertolli, an Italian Asylum, Italy – April 2015

Villa Sbertolli is an abandoned Asylum complex in Italy and comprises of several buildings arranged along a winding road. The whole place has been derelict for quite some time and some of the buildings are completely bricked up. We were however lucky enough to find a way into this amazing Villa building which I understand was once a private residence but later incorporated within the new use of the site as it became an Asylum catering for the insane…

High Royds Insane Asylum - Adminstration Building Exterior

Urbex: High Royds Insane Asylum aka High Royds Hospital aka West Riding Pauper Lunatic Asylum, Menston, Leeds, West Yorkshire – March 2015 (Revisit)

Briefly the abandoned High Royds Asylum opened in 1888 and closed in 2003 since then the site has been undergoing development into luxury apartments most of which are now complete. The main admin building still remains empty boasting some of its original features…