Hospital SC, another abandoned hospital In Italy, this time, a little more modern than the Manicomio’s but still quite dated based upon the equipment left behind. I really enjoyed this place, despite being a bit trashed clearly by local vandals and although it had a fair bit of graffiti there were still some nice photos to be had. The design of the building had a few choice features such as the staircases and the entrance hall and whilst a large amount of equipment had been disposed of outside around the back, fortunately, a fair amount of stuff remained inside.
Favourite bits have to be the morgue with 2 slabs, a nice upright piano in the basement and the twin staircases. Visited with Andy De Kay of Behind Closed Doors, Matt and Spider Monkey, enjoy the photos:
If you’ve made it this far… thanks for reading / checking out the pictures. Leave me a comment below or hit the like button to let me know you’ve enjoyed the shots and to encourage me to keep posting more 🙂
Want to see more from this place? then check out the report from Behind Closed Doors: Ospedale SC
The best of my Italy photographs are now available in a book:
Limited Edition and Canvas prints, as well as regular prints, are available for all of the images above just ask me about prices.
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