Convento dei P, an abandoned convent in Italy. Featuring a rather lavish tall and narrow chapel with balconies and a walkway around the top this place was much more impressive than I had imagined. After making our way inside we headed straight for the chapel where we just stood and stared at the crack in the ceiling jaws wide open. A lot of the other rooms had been stripped out although there was a nice library full of rotting books and a couple of bedrooms still in their original order. It looked like this place has been deteriorating for quite some time and it appeared that the place has also been partially used for storing stock for sale with a slightly more modern section being locked off internally with doors which appeared out of keeping for the rest of the place.
The walkway around the top of the chapel provided some nice views but was really dodgy and the handrail was about as supportive as it looked! Still it was worth a look and another nice location in Italy covered 🙂 Visited with Matt, Spider Monkey and Andy de Kay of Behind Closed Doors.
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