The abandoned Monastero MG in Italy is an empty, large Monastery which sits in walled grounds surrounded by a moat with a bridge to the front gate. Certainly an impressive building from many aspects the design is inconsistent and clearly shows that the building has been added to and extended multiple times in what I can imagine was a long history of this religious site. The Monastery boasts a lovely large chapel with arched ceilings and circular windows. There was a room just off to the side featured in the above shot which had confessional booths and some really photographic decay on the ceilings and walls. There was also a really interesting and detailed emblem on the ceiling too. I’ve not yet managed to trace what it represents.
All in all another enjoyable explore on our Italy trip with Spider Monkey, Andy de Kay of Behind Closed Doors and Matt 🙂 Enjoy the photos:
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Enjoyed this report? Want to see more from this place? then check out the report over at Behind Closed Doors: Monastero MG
The best of my Italy photographs are now available in a book:
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