The abandoned Villa Moglia is a large residential property surrounded by vast farmland located just outside a small village. I remeber driving on dirt tracks for quite some distance to locate this place due to its quite isolated location. Once we arrived and made our way inside we soon realised we were not alone. Its seems this place is quite a Urbex hot spot and we found several other groups of people wondering about the place from various nationalities. Sadly internally the place is quite trashed and has suffered from lots of poor graffiti and tags. The chapel and theatre both provided for some nice shots and there were still some lovely features left in place such as the decorative ceilings with hand painted frescos and ornate plaster work. Enjoy the photos!
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Enjoyed this report? Want to see more from this place? then check out the report over at Darbians photography: Villa Moglia
Limited Edition and Canvas prints, as well as regular prints, are available for all of the images above just ask me about prices.
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