Palazzo Di L Dei Conti is a rather large Palace located in the centre of a small village in Italy. The Palace is clearly centuries old and it would appear that the rest of the village was built around it and its vast walled off grounds at the rear. Sporting its own detached chapel, which was really impressive, and some lovely ceiling work on the ground floors and main staircase this property was in a severe state of disrepair.
Unfortunately I didn’t get chance to cover the place as fully as I had liked to and missed most of the ground floor after we had to make a swift exit… Whilst we assumed no-one was caring for this rotting old Palace, a large vehicle suddenly appeared in the main courtyard, the gates had been unlocked and it was our time to leave! Visited with spider Monkey, Matt and Andy de Kay of Behind Closed Doors as part of our Italian Urbex Tour!
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Enjoyed this report? Want to see more from this place? then check out the report over at Darbians photography: Palazzo Di L Dei Conti and Andy de Kays set: Palazzo di L
The best of my Italy photographs are now available in a book:
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