There is very little information on the Abandoned Château de Singes which I could find on the internet. I’ve read that the House was built in the 17th Century and that the last owners vacated in around 1976. Singes is one of those buildings that just has some wow factor about it both internally and externally. Its unusual design is very long but narrow with the ground floor and some of the upstairs floors being only 1 room in width. This makes the Château appear much larger than it actually is. Also at the front of the building and unfortunately not featured in this report is a huge rectangular artificial lake which is unfortunately now dry and overgrown but the structure still remains.
Our Visit
Visited with Donna for the 2nd location on our European tour! Having muddled up the co-ordinates and believing this to be a completely different Château which will feature in later reports we were pleasantly surprised when we were greeted by this magnificent building. We had a peaceful 2-3 hours at this place, taking in the interior design which looked to be going through some partial renovation perhaps post the vacating of the previous owners. Only a couple of weeks before we were de to embark upon this trip we had found out that one of the main attractions to Singes, the awesome staircase had been heavily graffiti’d and videos showing the vandal at work were doing the rounds… fortunately days before we set off we learned that other keen explorers had taken the time and effort and at their own expense arranged for matching paint to be produced and set to work on redecorating the staircase to return it to as close to original condition as possible. I hope I get the opportunity to meet the people who repainted the stairs and personally thank them for taking the time to do such a nice thing. They did a cracking job and the staircase looked much better than with the awful graffiti all over it. Other highlights were the rooms on either side of the main entrance which had some great features to them and the faces in the plaster coving. Enjoy the photos
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