The Abandoned Latvian Consulate House and Stables. An interesting property which was on the market for around £1,000,000 when it first became vacant but before it was in the condition it was when we visited.
I don’t really know the full background on this one, I think I recall reading it became empty in the mid 1990’s prior to which it was the home of the Latvian Consulate who appeared to be living in quite a luxurious property :).
Its an unusual constructions which on first impressions looks a lot smaller than it actually is! there’s also a large stables and arena for horses which I unfortunately didn’t get any photos of owing to the rain :(. I actually quite liked this place. The decor was a little dated and certainly not to my taste but there were some nice interesting features such as the indoor pool, the odd but spacious main living room and the master bedroom with a nice view over the surrounding forest area. Its not the best place I have visited but it was certainly something a bit different. I hope you enjoy the photos.
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