Our second day at the Buzludzha monument, another chance to climb the tower and this time snap a few shots with the fisheye. We also visited the smaller monument with the two torches that sit in the foreground a little further down the mountain. Weather conditions were not quite as bitterly cold and, as a result, the snow had started to melt which caused large chunks of snow to fall from the ceiling sporadically. Overall I’m more satisfied with the photos from the initial visit, I’m not sure if it was the warmer conditions or possibly the effect of the hangover from last nights drinking kicking in who knows but still happy with some of the photos taken during the second visit.
**Part one of my trip to Buzludzha can be found here with loads more photos**
Enjoyed this report? don’t forget to check out the report from some of my fellow explorers who were also on this adventure: BCD Urbex: Buzludzha Vals Dark Room: Buzludzha
Limited Edition and Canvas prints, as well as regular prints, are available for all of the images above just ask me about prices.
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