The not so white morgue aka The Maids Morgue

Urbex: The not so white morgue aka The Maids Morgue – August 2014 (revisits 1 & 2)

Two more trips to this abandoned morgue with its impressive porcelain slab. I went back for 2 more trips with Andy de Kay of Behind Closed Doors, Matt, Danny, Old Skool, and Baron Scotland. If you’ve seen the first report you have probably noticed the overkill of shots… well considering the small size of this building its shocking that I found more to post…

Krankenhaus von rollstühlen aka Hospital of Wheelchairs - The TV Room

Urbex: Krankenhaus von rollstühlen aka Hospital of Wheelchairs, Germany – August 2014

This building from what I understand was once a private residence but was later used as a retirement home / residential care centre which catered for the elderly in their final days. Despite its name there was little evidence to suggest that this building functioned as anything other than a care home. There were a couple of beds in the basement which could have been consultation tables but I would suspect that few medical treatments would have taken place here…