Paragorn Hotel
Paragorn Hotel

Paragon Hotel

The rather large Paragon Hotel in Italy has been empty for around 10-15 years and is frequently occupied by the homeless. Occupying a pretty central location in a relatively large city, one of its dominating features is the main ballroom which has a huge skylight in the middle. Draped with fabric, the skylight provides a nice diffused light on the white and gold accented room. Otherwise the building is quite bland, the staircase was modest but had a nice detailed ceiling at the top and the entrance hall was empty and modern. Worth it for the lavish ballroom alone though for sure! Visited with Spider Monkey, Matt and Andy de Kay of Behind Closed Doors. On with the photos:

Paragorn Hotel

Paragorn Hotel

Paragorn Hotel

Paragon Hotel

Paragorn Hotel

Paragon Hotel

Paragorn Hotel

Paragon Hotel

Paragorn Hotel

Paragon Hotel

Paragorn Hotel

Paragon Hotel

Paragorn Hotel

Paragon Hotel

Paragorn Hotel

Paragon Hotel

Paragorn Hotel

Paragon Hotel

Paragorn Hotel

Paragon Hotel

Paragorn Hotel

Paragon Hotel

Paragorn Hotel

Paragon Hotel

Paragorn Hotel

Paragon Hotel

Paragorn Hotel

Paragon Hotel

Paragorn Hotel

Paragon Hotel

Paragorn Hotel

Paragon Hotel

Paragorn Hotel

Paragon Hotel

Paragorn Hotel

Paragon Hotel

Paragorn Hotel

Paragon Hotel

Paragorn Hotel

Paragorn Hotel

Paragorn Hotel

Paragon Hotel

Paragorn Hotel

Paragon Hotel

Paragorn Hotel

Paragon Hotel

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Want to see more from this place? then check out the report from Behind Closed Doors: Paragon Hotel

The best of my Italy photographs are now available in a book:

Limited Edition and Canvas prints, as well as regular prints, are available for all of the images above just ask me about prices.








