Leeds Girls High School - Rose Court Infants School

Urbex: Leeds Girls High School (Rose Court Nursery), Leeds – January 2015

This second report from the Leeds Girls High School features the Rose Court building which is situated on the same site and the main senior school building. Rose Court was purchase by the High School in 1912 and I believe before this functioned as a private residence. Built of stone construction in a Georgian design the building functioned as the Infants School catering to the 3 to 7 year old age bracket…

Leeds Girls High School aka St Matthew's Hospital

Urbex: Leeds Girls High School aka St Matthew’s Hospital, Leeds – January 2015

Founded in 1876 The now abandoned Leeds Girls High School is situated in Headingley Leeds and was originally built to cater for girls aged between 3-18 years old. Established at a time when female education was on the rise, the school was an independent, selective fee-based school aiming to offer a similar all-round education of the boys tradition, academic grammar schools. Split into three sections based upon age groups this report features the Senior School which housed the 11 to 18 year old pupils. In 2004 only four years before closure of the site, Leeds Girls High School or LGHS was he highest performing school in the Leeds area in terms of GCSE’s and A Levels.

Stairporn Courthouse

Urbex: Stairporn Courthouse aka The Maze of Stairs, Germany – November 2014

The place is a bit of a concrete maze inside but fortunately it didn’t take too much figuring out before we managed to locate the main attraction, the dominating staircases just inside the main entrance.. The building is clearly being worked on by contractors and having arrived at the spot pretty early before daylight, we had assumed we might struggle for lighting…

Villa Woodstock - The wooden clad dining room

Urbex: Health Resort aka Villa Woodstock, Germany – November 2014

This abandoned grand neo-renaissance styled Mansion was originally a residential dwelling but from the mid 1980’s became a care facility and later a retirement home for the elderly and was linked to the nearby church organisations. Villa Woodstock as this place is most commonly known, was apparently set for demolition before a private investor stepped in to repurpose the old building…

Château Japonais aka Château des Chasseurs

Urbex: Château Japonais aka Château des Chasseurs, France – October 2014

A huge Château located in a large grounds, Château Japonais aka Château des Chasseurs is quite isolated from the nearby homes. This gorgeous castle has been somewhere I have wanted to photograph since I saw pictures online. Clearly the building had fallen into disrepair but observations during our trip suggest that the building is undergoing some renovation works and will one day hopefully be restored to its former glory…

Haus der Offiziere - Wünsdorf - The Theatre

Urbex: Haus der Offiziere – Wünsdorf, Germany – July 2014

In 1910 a military training camp was built, the now abandoned Haus der Offiziere was added in 1914 as military sports school, which was later adopted seamlessly by the Nazis. This was just part of the huge site which became known as Wünsdorf or “Little Moscow” in the 1950’s. The town which grew to accommodate 35,000 people from the Soviet republic was significant in size and worthy of its nickname…