Krankenhaus von rollstühlen aka Hospital of Wheelchairs - The TV Room

Urbex: Krankenhaus von rollstühlen aka Hospital of Wheelchairs, Germany – August 2014

This building from what I understand was once a private residence but was later used as a retirement home / residential care centre which catered for the elderly in their final days. Despite its name there was little evidence to suggest that this building functioned as anything other than a care home. There were a couple of beds in the basement which could have been consultation tables but I would suspect that few medical treatments would have taken place here…

Haus der Offiziere - Wünsdorf - The Theatre

Urbex: Haus der Offiziere – Wünsdorf, Germany – July 2014

In 1910 a military training camp was built, the now abandoned Haus der Offiziere was added in 1914 as military sports school, which was later adopted seamlessly by the Nazis. This was just part of the huge site which became known as Wünsdorf or “Little Moscow” in the 1950’s. The town which grew to accommodate 35,000 people from the Soviet republic was significant in size and worthy of its nickname…

Beelitz-Heilstätten aka Beelitz Hospital Mens Pavilion

Urbex: Beelitz-Heilstätten aka Beelitz Hospital, Men’s Pavilion, Germany – July 2014

Construction began at the Beelitz site in 1898. Funded by the Berlin State Insurance Company the Hospital was originally called “Worker’s Consumption Sanatorium”. Most of the prominent German architects at the time including Julius Boethke, Fritz Schulz and Heino Schmeiden were involved in the design of the sanatoriums which adopted a Pavilion system much similar to that of some of the Lunatic Asylums in the UK…

Beelitz-Heilstätten aka Beelitz Hospital Bath House

Urbex: Beelitz-Heilstätten aka Beelitz Hospital, Badehaus, The Bath House, Germany – July 2014

At the south eastern part of the Beelitz site you can find one of the most interesting and visually appealing of the Hospital buildings, Zentral Badehaus the Central Bath House. Whilst one of the iconic features of this building is the stunning huge domed room with the sunken T shaped bath, this unaltered example of the original architecture is just one of the many rooms which contain amazing detail retained from the initial build…