National Gas Turbine Establishment aka NGTE Pyestock - Sahara Doors in Cell 3

Urbex: National Gas Turbine Establishment aka NGTE Pyestock, Fleet – January 2013

The National Gas Turbine Establishment at Pyestock Fleet was built in 1949 beginning with some small test cubicals inside buildings like the plant house and has since been added to over the years resulting in the huge site that stands there today. For over 50 years Pyestock was at the forefront of gas turbine development but now the site lays empty and derelict…

George Barnsley and Sons aka Cornish Works - Carpenters Workshop

Urbex: George Barnsley and Sons aka Cornish Works, Sheffield, South Yorkshire – October 2012

History Borrowed from someone else’s urbex site report as I couldn’t find a great deal of info from other sources: George Barnsley was apprenticed into the filemakers trade in 1823 by his mother, Anne, who had been widowed. He was signed in to the apprenticeship – to a Thomas Wing of Sheffield – for seven years and two hundred…

Holdsworths Mill Mirfield - Weigh Station

Urbex: Holdsworth Mill, Mirfield, Kirklees, Yorkshire – April 2009 (Revisit)

2nd Visit to this place, the first can be found here: Not a great deal of history on this place, this visit was a return to get a few more detail shots with a bit of natural light however the explore wasn’t without a hitch and we had an unexpected early end to the evening. On with…