Built in 1907 by Architect John Hamilton for the Eastwood Schoolboard the now abandoned Sir John-Maxwell School originally was built to accommodate 550 pupils of school age as well as opening in the evening for night classes. Between 1908 to 1915 a political activist John Maclean taught classes in Marxism there. After closing its doors as a primary school in summer 2011 The property does not hold any formal listed status and its future remains unknown. The property features on the Buildings at Risk register and is noted to be in a declining condition despite being structurally sound. I think after a few more years of weathering this one will probably be earmarked for demolition.
Our Visit
Visited with Baron Scotland, Lowri, Diane and Paul. I was more impressed than I thought I would be with this place, the main entrance hall was really attractive to shoot and the extensive natural decay throughout made for some interesting shots. Lots of peeling paint and water damage was taking hold in some of the upper floors and outer rooms. I quite liked the skylight in the centre of the top floor above the main entrance hall which provided some nice natural light. Hope you enjoy the photos:
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