George Barnsley & Sons aka The Cornish Works Sheffield

Urbex: George Barnsley and Sons aka Cornish Works, Sheffield, South Yorkshire – July 2013 (revisit 2)

History Briefly George Barnsley’s began manufacturing files before becoming one of the worlds leading manufacturers of tools for the shoe making and leather trades. Closing in 2003 the place is like a walk through time in both its construction and architecture to the items left behind. A very photogenic explore it will always be a favourite…

Holdsworths Mill Mirfield - Weigh Station

Urbex: Holdsworth Mill, Mirfield, Kirklees, Yorkshire – April 2009 (Revisit)

2nd Visit to this place, the first can be found here: Not a great deal of history on this place, this visit was a return to get a few more detail shots with a bit of natural light however the explore wasn’t without a hitch and we had an unexpected early end to the evening. On with…