Villa Margherita - Main Staircase
Villa Margherita - Main Staircase

Villa Margherita – Main Staircase

Villa Margherita is an abandoned residential building, which appeared from some of the modern decor to have been used as an office type building before becoming abandoned quite recently judging by the lack of decay… Visited with Andy de Kay of Behind Closed Doors, Matt and Spider Monkey, it was the last spot of the day and light was fading rather quickly. The main entrance hall with its mosaic tiled floor and impressive curved staircase and detailed ironwork balustrade which makes up the entirety of this report was pretty much the only notable feature with the rest of the building being quite bland. Still worth stopping off to see this 🙂

Villa Margherita - Main Staircase

Villa Margherita – Main Staircase

Villa Margherita - Main Staircase

Villa Margherita – Main Staircase

Villa Margherita - Main Staircase

Villa Margherita – Main Staircase

Villa Margherita - Main Staircase

Villa Margherita – Main Staircase

Villa Margherita

Villa Margherita

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Enjoyed this report? Want to see more from this place? then check out the photos from Behind Closed Doors: Villa Margherita

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